Things to know about creating a store on Shopee

17 May, 2023 by
Things to know about creating a store on Shopee
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To create a shop on Shopee, there are several things you need to know and the following basic steps:

1. Register an account: 
First, you need to register a user account on Shopee. If you already have an account, you can use that account to create your shop.

2. Access Shopee Seller Centre: 
After logging into your Shopee account, you need to access the Shopee Seller Centre. This is where you manage and operate your shop.

3. Fill in shop information: 
In the Shopee Seller Centre, you will be prompted to fill in basic information about your shop, including the shop name, product categories, descriptions, shipping policies, shop images, and logo.

4. List products: 
Once you have completed the shop information, you can start listing products to sell on Shopee. Create product listings with detailed information, photos, and prices.

5. Manage orders: 
When you receive orders from customers, you will be notified and need to process those orders. Shopee provides order management tools to help you track and fulfill orders conveniently.

6. Process payments: 
Shopee offers various payment methods for you to receive payment from customers. You can choose payment methods such as ShopeePay wallet, bank transfer, cash on delivery (COD), and more.

7. Advertising and promotions: 
To increase reach and boost sales, you can utilize Shopee's advertising and promotional tools such as Shopee Ads or Shopee Flash Sale.

8. Delivery and customer service: 
Ensuring timely delivery and providing good customer service are crucial to achieving customer satisfaction.

Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with Shopee's policies and regulations to comply with and maximize the features and benefits Shopee provides for sellers.

Please note that specific steps and procedures may vary over time and with the latest updates from Shopee. For detailed information and specific guidance, it is advisable to directly visit the Shopee website and refer to their instructional materials.

If you're still facing difficulties in setting up a store on Shopee, please consider our Shopee store setup service for assistance.

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