The 2 secret ways to boots customers for your E-commerce store

13 December, 2023 by
The 2 secret ways to boots customers for your E-commerce store
Lameco JSC

Hey there!

Do you have an online store but struggling to get more customers? Or are you just starting your e-commerce business and want tips to grow your customer base?

Well, you came to the right place!

In this post, I will share 2 powerful but little-known secrets to get more customers and boost your e-commerce sales. These are strategies used by top online sellers that not many people know about.

So let's get started! Here are the:

2 Secret Ways to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales for Your E-commerce Business

Secret #1: Use Instagram Shoppable Posts

I'm sure you've heard about Instagram before. It's one of the most popular apps today with over 1 billion users!

Instagram is great for sharing photos and videos. But did you know you can also sell products directly on Instagram now? 

It's called Instagram Shoppable Posts and here's how it works:

  • You take nice photos of your products and upload them to Instagram as usual.

  • Then you tag the products in the photos and add a "View Products" button.

  • When someone clicks the button, it will show your product listings with Add to Cart buttons!

So with shoppable posts, your Instagram followers can instantly buy your products without leaving Instagram.

This means:

  • Higher chance of getting sales because it's convenient for customers.

  • You can promote products to your Instagram followers who may not visit your actual website.

  • More exposure for your online store by targeting Instagram's huge user base.

To start using shoppable posts:

  • You need an Instagram business account. Switch over from your personal account.

  • Connect your e-commerce store to Instagram shopping in Settings.

  • Start creating shoppable posts using products from your store!

Pro tip: Use eye-catching photos and clear descriptions to showcase your products. Offer discounts in your caption to boost engagement and sales!

Secret #2: Retarget Website Visitors with Ads

Here is another smart tactic used by the pros:

Retargeting visitors who already came to your website with custom ads to get them to buy.

For example:

  • Tom visits your online store but doesn't make a purchase.

  • You can then show Tom ads for your products when he browses other sites.

  • He will see your ads and may come back to complete his purchase!

Retargeting works because you are advertising to potential customers who already expressed interest.

The chance of conversion is much higher than random cold traffic.

You can set up retargeting ads on Google and Facebook easily.

Here are the steps:

  • Install Facebook pixel on your website to track visitors.

  • Create custom audiences in Facebook Ads based on your pixel data.

  • Make retargeting ads and specify your custom audiences.

  • Sit back and watch the ads bring back visitors to buy from your store!

Pro tip: Offer discounts or free shipping in your retargeting ads as extra incentive to buy.

Let's Recap the 2 Secret Ways:

  1. Instagram Shoppable Posts to promote your products and attract new potential customers from Instagram.

  2. Retargeting Ads on Google/Facebook to bring back visitors who already checked out your website.

These 2 underused strategies can give your e-commerce store a big boost in customers and sales! 

Many online sellers don't use them yet, so you can get a head start over your competition.

But Wait, There's More!

I hope you found these tips helpful! Getting more customers is key to growing your online business.

If you need help setting up and optimizing your e-commerce store, check out Lameco​. We are experts in end-to-end e-commerce solutions, from store setup to marketing and operations. Our team can help take your e-commerce business to the next level! Visit or contact us at here to learn more. We offer a free consultation to assess your store and provide recommendations.

Thanks for reading! Now you know the secrets to get more visitors and customers for your e-commerce website. 

Let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help fellow online sellers succeed!

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