Running a shopee store? Here are the TOP 8 things you need to know ASAP

6 December, 2023 by
Running a shopee store? Here are the TOP 8 things you need to know ASAP
Lameco JSC

Hey there!

So you just opened your Shopee store and are feeling excited but also a bit overwhelmed. Don't worry! I totally get it. Shopee has so many features and tools - it can be confusing to figure out where to start.

But having the right knowledge will set you up for success on Shopee. So in this post, I'll share the top 8 things every new Shopee seller needs to know ASAP. These tips will help you optimize your store, attract buyers, boost sales and thrive on Shopee!

Let's dive in:

1. Complete Your Shopee Seller Account Setup

The first thing you need to do is fully set up your Shopee seller account. This includes:

  • Providing your business details
  • Getting verified as a seller
  • Connecting your payment account

Why: This completes your registration on Shopee as an official seller. It also builds trust with buyers when they see the "verified seller" tag on your profile.

So don't skip this step! A complete and verified seller account signals to Shopee that you're a legitimate business ready to start selling.

2. Optimize Your Shopee Store Profile

Your Shopee store profile is like your homepage on the platform. This is where potential buyers will visit first to learn about you.

Make sure to:

  • Add an eye-catching cover image: This creates your brand image on Shopee. Use high-quality images and branding elements.

  • Write an informative bio: Briefly share your brand story, products, and why buyers should shop with you.

  • Showcase your products: Feature hot-selling items to entice visitors to browse your store.

  • Get followers: Building an initial follower base helps establish credibility as a seller.

A polished store profile builds trust and gives buyers confidence to purchase from you. So take the time to optimize it!

3. Understand the Shopee Algorithm

The Shopee algorithm determines your search ranking and visibility. So you need to optimize your content for it.

Here are 3 key factors the algorithm considers:

  • Relevancy: How closely your titles, descriptions and images match the buyer's search terms.

  • Popularity: Measured by sales, reviews, and engagement on your listings.

  • Behavior: How buyers interact with your store and listings. More clicks, adds to cart, purchases signal you have appealing products.

Focus on creating relevant, high-quality content that converts. Delivering a great buyer experience also improves your store's reputation with the algorithm over time.

4. Set Competitive Prices

Pricing is important - you need to find the sweet spot between covering your costs and being attractive to buyers.

Tips for setting great prices:

  • Research competitor pricing for similar items
  • Factor in your product cost, shipping fees, and other expenses
  • Consider running promotions like discounts to incentivize buyers
  • Test different price points and see which perform best

Remaining competitive on price gives you an edge on Shopee. But don't underprice either - find a level that supports healthy profit margins for your business.

5. Master Shopee Ads

Paid ads are essential for visibility on Shopee. They put your products in front of high-intent buyers actively searching for what you sell.

Some types of Shopee ads include:

  • Search ads: Appear at the top of search results based on keywords
  • Store ads: Promote your overall store to buyers browsing the platform
  • Product ads: Highlight specific products to relevant buyers

Follow best practices like targeted keywords, optimized creatives, and split testing to get the most out of your ad spend.

Done right, Shopee ads are extremely effective for boosting traffic and sales. So make them part of your strategy.

6. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Delivering amazing service helps you stand out from other sellers. It transforms buyers into loyal, repeat customers.

Here are some tips for wowing shoppers:

  • Respond quickly: Answer messages and questions ASAP. Set up alerts so you never miss an inquiry.

  • Be friendly: Use a warm, helpful tone in all communication. Avoid canned, impersonal responses.

  • Go the extra mile: Follow up after the sale, offer help assembling products, provide useful tips, send a handwritten thank you note - small gestures make a big impression.

  • Resolve issues promptly: If something goes wrong, fix it fast. Turn negative experiences into positive ones.

Providing 5-star service improves your seller rating and buyer satisfaction. It's 100% worth the investment on Shopee!

7. Encourage Buyer Reviews

Product reviews boost your credibility and social proof. This helps convert more shoppers into customers.

Strategies to get more reviews:

  • Ask politely: Include a note with orders requesting an honest review if buyers are satisfied. Be appreciative, not demanding.

  • Offer incentives: Small perks like discounts on their next purchase can motivate reviews. But don't pay for them.

  • Remind gently: If no review after 1-2 weeks, send a friendly reminder about their experience.

  • Respond professionally: Thank buyers for leaving feedback and address any concerns raised constructively.

Even just a few positive reviews establish you as a trusted seller on Shopee. So make getting them part of your ongoing efforts.

8. Analyze Performance and Trends

Watching your key metrics and seeing what's working allows you to continually improve.

  • Sales and revenue
  • Top selling items
  • Traffic sources
  • Conversion rates
  • Costs and profitability

Closely monitoring the numbers gives you insights on everything from your hottest products to most effective promotions to areas needing work.

Never stop learning and testing - your Shopee data will point the way towards boosting growth.

And there you have it - the top 8 things all new Shopee sellers need to know right off the bat!

Running a successful store takes effort. But following these tips will set you up for long-term prosperity on Shopee.

At Lameco, we live and breathe ecommerce. Our experts can help you build, grow and optimize your Shopee business. Get in touch today to discuss how we can partner for your success!

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