How to Handle Feedback and Reviews from Customers on Shopee and Lazada

25 tháng 8, 2023 bởi
How to Handle Feedback and Reviews from Customers on Shopee and Lazada
Lameco JSC
Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Why Customer Feedback Matters
  • Understanding Different Types of Feedback
    • Positive Feedback
    • Constructive Criticism
    • Negative Reviews
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Feedback
    • Responding to Positive Feedback
    • Addressing Constructive Criticism
    • Dealing with Negative Reviews
  • Turning Feedback into Improvement
  • The Power of Customer Feedback
  • Conclusion


Hey there, fellow sellers on Shopee and Lazada! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of handling feedback and reviews from your customers. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned seller, feedback is like a compass guiding you towards success. Let's break it down like we're chatting over a cup of coffee.

Why Customer Feedback Matters

Imagine you're selling handmade jewelry. A customer buys a beautiful necklace from your shop and leaves a glowing review. Not only does this boost your confidence, but it also tells potential buyers that others love your products. On the flip side, if you receive feedback about a delay in shipping, that's a chance to improve and show that you care.

Understanding Different Types of Feedback

Positive Feedback
Positive feedback is like a virtual high-five. It tells you what you're doing right and encourages you to keep it up. When you get a thumbs-up, take a moment to bask in the warm fuzzies, and maybe even do a little victory dance.

Constructive Criticism
Imagine you're baking cookies, and someone suggests adding a pinch more chocolate chips. That's constructive criticism – a helpful suggestion to make your cookies even better. Embrace it! When a customer suggests improvements, they're invested in your success.

Negative Reviews
Uh-oh, a 1-star review. Don't panic! Negative reviews happen to everyone. Maybe the size wasn't right, or the color was a bit off. Instead of seeing it as a disaster, view it as an opportunity to turn things around.

Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Feedback

Responding to Positive Feedback
When you receive a positive review, thank the customer. It's like saying "thanks" for that high-five. Also, let them know you're thrilled they love the product. This shows you're engaged and value their support.

Addressing Constructive Criticism
Remember the cookie example? If a customer suggests more chocolate chips, acknowledge their idea. You could say, "Thanks for the tip! We're working on making our cookies even more chocolatey for your next order." This shows you're listening and taking action.

Dealing with Negative Reviews
Take a deep breath. Instead of getting defensive, respond calmly. Apologize for their experience and offer a solution. For instance, "We're really sorry the size didn't work out. Let us send you the right size, on the house!" This turns a negative situation into a positive one.

Turning Feedback into Improvement

Think of feedback as a treasure map. Every comment, review, and suggestion guides you towards becoming a better seller. Use the positive feedback to fuel your confidence and the constructive criticism to fuel your growth. Soon, you'll have a shop that's like a customer's dream come true!

The Power of Customer Feedback

Did you know that customer feedback can boost your shop's visibility? Platforms like Shopee and Lazada notice when customers are raving about your products. This can lead to higher rankings and more people discovering your shop. 


Handling feedback and reviews is like tending to a beautiful garden. Each comment is a seed that can grow into something amazing. Embrace the positive, learn from the constructive, and transform the negative. With this guide in your toolkit, you're ready to conquer the world of customer feedback!

FAQs About Handling Customer Feedback

Q1: Should I respond to every piece of feedback?
A1: While responding to every feedback is a great practice, prioritize addressing negative reviews and constructive criticism.

Q2: What if I don't agree with the feedback?
A2: Remember, feedback is subjective. Even if you disagree, stay polite and show appreciation for their input.

Q3: Can feedback really help my shop grow?
A3: Absolutely! Feedback provides insights that can lead to product improvements, enhanced customer experiences, and increased sales.

Q4: How quickly should I respond to feedback?
A4: Aim to respond within a day or two. Quick responses show that you're attentive and care about your customers' opinions.

Q5: Is it okay to ask for feedback?
A5: Yes, definitely! Politely requesting feedback after a purchase shows that you value your customers' opinions and are committed to improvement.

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